Thursday, January 11, 2018

One Week Later


Today, after having a difficult time getting out of bed due to a late night of homework and Netflix, we woke up to a big breakfast at the hotel and a needed dose of caffeine.
With our coffee fix sated, we headed to McDaniel College at 9am for our fourth Hungarian lesson. Having already covered some of the basic survival phrases, numbers, and even a catchy Hungarian nursery song, we started learning the finer details about pronunciation and further extended our limited vocabulary.
After our two hour Hungarian lesson, we had time for lunch. A group of us decided to go back to one of our favorite little cafes, the Goat Herder, for lunch. We got another large dose of coffee and some brie wraps and were on our way back to the College to get a jump on some homework.
After lunch, we had two hours of Number Theory where we built off of Euclid's Lemma and covered prime numbers. We tried to work through our worksheets and homework as quick as possible to allow for the most free time. We worked on today's homework as a group in one of the conference rooms in our hotel.
The Goat Herder for lunch!
The Goat Herder for lunch!
Filling the blackboards ten times over with theorems and proofs!

Finally, after loads of proofs, and with our brains slightly fried, we got ready for dinner! Olivia and others had the final professor dinner. They went to a Hungarian restaurant called Borvilag.
Emily joined a group of students and went to a popular Ramen bar in the Jewish quarter called Ramenka.

Victoria and a group of students went to Vapiano, an Italian pasta and pizza bar.
After we went our separate ways for dinner, we met back up at our hotel room and prepared a thank you surprise for our Hungarian teacher because (sadly) tomorrow is our final Hungarian lesson.
We ended our night with some short Netflix viewing to wind down from our busy day and recharge for another great day tomorrow!

jó éjszakát!
Emily, Olivia, and Victoria

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